Water Tower
Economic Development Resources for the Elk River Area
Sherburne County Economic Development:
Jessica Barthel, Economic Development Coordinator Jessica.barthel@co.sherburne.mn.us 763-765-3014
City of Elk River:
Brent O’Neil, Economic Development Director Boneil@elkrivermn.gov 763-635-1042
City of Big Lake:
Theresa Haffner, Community Development Director thaffner@biglakemn.org 763-463-9638
Wright County Economic Development Partnership:
Jolene Foss, Executive Director JoleneF@wrightpartnership.org 763-496-5593
City of Otsego:
Adam Flaherty, City Administrator & Finance Director AFlaherty@ci.otsego.mn.us 763-235-3161
Commercial Real Estate Contacts
Acuity Group:
Dustin Heggem dustin@acgproperty.com 763-633-3535
Commercial Realty Solutions:
Cheree’ Hoese choese@crs-mn.com 763-682-2400
Partners Real Estate MN / Hardin Companies:
Ryan Hardin ryanhardin@partnersrealestatemn.com 612-356-2002